notícias musicais

top 13 artistas

top 13 musicas


Anna von Hausswolff All Thoughts Fly
  1. Theatre of Nature
  2. Dolore di Orsini
  3. Sacro Bosco
  4. Persefone
  5. Entering
  6. All Thoughts Fly
  7. Outside the Gate (for Bruna)
Dead Magic
  1. The Truth, The Glow, The Fall
  2. The Mysterious Vanishing Of Electra
  3. Ugly And Vengeful
  4. The Marble Eye
  5. Källans Återuppståndelse
  1. Epitaph Of Theodor
  2. Deathbed
  3. Mountains Crave
  4. Goodbye
  5. Red Sun
  6. Epitaph Of Daniel
  7. No Body
  8. Liturgy Of Light
  9. Harmonica
  10. Ocean
  11. Sova
  12. Funeral For My Future Children
  13. Sun Rise
Track Of Time
  1. Track Of Time
  2. Pills
  3. Something is Missing
  4. Gloomy Sunday
Singing from the Grave
  1. Move On
  2. Track Of Time
  3. Pills
  4. Above All
  5. Singing From The Grave
  6. Lost At Sea
  7. Old Beauty/Du Kan Nu Dö
  8. The Book
  9. I Am Leaving