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Confira a Letra *i wish i could've called*

Charlie Alexander

*i wish i could've called*

Hey, I wanted to call you, and obviously, you didn't pick up but
I just wanted to get a few things off my chest
I can't believe what's been happening recently
I know I've been dramatic and sensitive and irresponsible
I've just had such a hard time letting you go

You can obviously tell
I'm learning a lot about life
About myself
And everything I told you I'd be working on
I know I've messed up, but nobody's perfect, you know
Even after everything that's been happening
I can promise you I'll continue to be the person I am
To continue to treat people with all the love that I have

I know I've been misunderstood
But I know what type of person I've become
And I'm sure you do too
You'd be so proud of me
I think being in love is the best thing in the entire world
And you taught me that
So thank you for all the great things you've taught me

You've allowed me to grow
Learn to truly love myself
To become more confident
And bringing out the best in me
I can't thank you enough
I'm sorry I wasn't the best
But just know that I tried the very best I could

I love you so much
I wish I could tell you in person
And hug you one last time
Just give me a callback
It'd mean the world to me

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