notícias musicais

top 13 artistas

top 13 musicas


Cinema Staff Netsugen
  1. Netsugen
  2. Kaeshite
  3. Pulse
  4. Souvenir
  5. Mowe No Kikan
  6. Hadou
  7. El Golazo
  8. Diggin'
  9. Ego
  10. Bokutachi
  1. eve
  2. Kibou no Zangai
  3. April Fool
  4. Lost-Stand-Alone
  5. Kirifuda
  6. somehow
  7. crysis maniac
  8. person on the planet
  9. Kyoukai-sen
  10. deadman
  11. Aimai Vision
  12. your song
  13. overground
  1. Kirifuda
  2. Deadman
  3. wildcard2
  1. Drama
  2. Shadow
  3. Takeshita Doori Cloud Surf
  4. Chikashitsu No Hana
  5. Compass
  6. Exp
  7. Tokubetsu na Asa
  8. Hatogaya Ghetto
  9. The Ghost
  10. Kodoku No Rule
  11. Aojashin
Drums, Bass, 2 (To) Guitars
  1. theme of us
  2. dawnrider
  3. tokyo surf
  4. borka
  5. shiranai hito
  6. sea said
  7. sitar of bizarre
  8. unsung
  9. fiery
  10. great escape