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Confira a Letra Possession

Crone Visions


Black candles lit and I shut my eyes
I chant for him and the flicker dies
The smoke rolls in as I gasp for air
I lick for blood on fingers bare

A portal said to bring me which I covet
Adorned with horns, but dark above it
Hidden in folds of unknown past
Goddess shackles are built to last

Do you feel it, the darkness coming?
Can you hear it, distant drumming?
He lives in me now

Mystic delusions of astral travel
The fabric of morality unraveled
Banish good in choice of evil
Sin prevails through my upheaval

Can you recognize me now before you
Transformed by night and by brew
Crawling on claws, no longer real
Haunted by knowledge, no way to feel

Do you feel it, the darkness coming?
Can you hear it, distant drumming?
He lives in me now
