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Confira a Letra Deep Ocean


Deep Ocean

Come with me to my deep ocean
Follow my voice and take my hands
Close your eyes
We are so near

Follow me
Follow me

Follow my voice, follow my shadows
Follow me, follow me
Trust me! We need to go together
Deeper on the ocean!

Follow my voice! Follow my shadows!

Follow me, follow me!
A beauty treasure is waiting for us but a fight first is there
If you want to rescue the treasure
You have to fight!

But my beauty creature
Once you get the treasurethere’s a price you have to pay
Follow my voice! Follow my shadows!

Follow me, follow me!

Follow my voice! Follow my shadows!

Follow me, follow me!
You won’t see the moonlight again
You won’t see the stars again

You won’t see the blue sky again
You won’t see your eyes again
When the night is lonely with you

Can you feel how your breath is slower?
Can you feel?
Can you feel my kiss consuming your life completely!
You will stay with me
In me
