notícias musicais

top 13 artistas

top 13 musicas


Dorothy 28 Days In The Valley
  1. Flawless
  2. Who Do You Love
  3. Pretty When You're High
  4. Mountain
  5. Freedom
  6. White Butterfly
  7. 28 Days In The Valley (Interlude)
  8. On My Knees
  9. Black Tar & Nicotine
  10. Philadelphia
  11. Ain't Our Time To Die
  12. We Are STAARS
  13. We Need Love
  1. Kiss It
  2. Dark Nights
  3. Wicked Ones
  4. Gun In My Hand
  5. Medecine Man
  6. Woman
  7. Whiskey Fever
  8. After Midnight
  9. Missile
  10. Shelter
  1. After Midnight
  2. Wild Fire
  3. Wicked Ones
  4. Gun In My Hand
  5. Bang Bang Bang