notícias musicais

top 13 artistas

top 13 musicas


Lady Lamb the Beekeeper Even in the Tremor
  1. Little Flaws
  2. Deep Love
  3. Even in the Tremor
  4. Untitled Soul
  5. Strange Maneuvers
  6. Without a Name
  7. Young Disciple
  8. Prayer Of Love
  9. July Was Mundane
  10. Oh My Violence
  11. Emily
  1. Vena Cava
  2. Billions Of Eyes
  3. Violet Clementine
  4. Heretic
  5. Sunday Shoes
  6. Spat Out Spit
  7. Penny Licks
  8. Dear Arkansas Daughter
  9. Milk Duds
  10. Ten
  11. Batter
  12. Atlas
Ripely Pine
  1. Hair To The Ferris Wheel
  2. Aubergine
  3. Florence Berlin
  4. Bird Balloons
  5. Regarding Ascending The Stairs
  6. You Are The Apple
  7. Mezzanine
  8. Little Brother
  9. Crane Your Neck
  10. Rooftop
  11. The Nothing, Pt. II
  12. Taxidermist, Taxidermist