notícias musicais

top 13 artistas

top 13 musicas


Laura Jorgensen Love In The Time Of Catastrophe
  1. Fire
  2. Flood
  1. Find a Home
  2. The Climb
  3. Exodus
Feathered Arms
  1. from the creaks of our chairs
  2. Pens
  3. and the way our hearts beat
  4. Heart of Clay
  5. from our thin walls and doors
  6. The Most Beautiful Fear
  7. and the noise of our streets
  8. Pulling Strings
  9. from our hollow-throat cries
  10. Tenement Song
  11. and the death of the trees
  12. What We Stand On
  13. how to turn back again?
  14. Your Fingers
  15. how to just up and leave?
  16. The Forest Kind
  17. abandon our cities
  18. South
  19. return to the sea