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Confira a Letra Blind Love

Mae Fierce

Blind Love

Once I saw you shining bright, a star in my eyes
Your smile could light up the darkest night
But now you're lost in a haze, a prisoner of your mind
Trapped in the shadows, nowhere to find

Darling, can't you see? You're drowning in sorrow
The addiction's got you, taking you tomorrow
I'm reaching out my hand, but you're pushing me away
Lost in your own world, where I can't stay

I try to talk to you, but you don't hear my plea
Your heart is hardened, your soul can't see
The love that's surrounding you, the hands that want to hold
You back from the edge, before you get too old

Darling, can't you see? You're drowning in sorrow
The addiction's got you, taking you tomorrow
I'm reaching out my hand, but you're pushing me away
Lost in your own world, where I can't stay

I know you're hurting inside, I can see the pain
But you gotta fight for yourself, break free from the chain
I'll be here for you, every step of the way
But you gotta want it too or you'll forever stay

Darling, can't you see? You're drowning in sorrow
The addiction's got you, taking you tomorrow
I'm reaching out my hand, but you're pushing me away
Lost in your own world, where I can't stay

I held your hand through trembling nights
And whispered words of cheer
But the drugs took hold of your soul
And filled your heart with fear

Darling, can't you see? You're drowning in sorrow
The addiction's got you, taking you tomorrow
I'm reaching out my hand, but you're pushing me away
Lost in your own world, where I can't stay

I won't give up on you, I'll never let you go
I'll keep on fighting for you, until you finally know
That you're worth saving, that you're worth the fight
I'll love you through the darkness, into the light
