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Confira a Letra Cyber Stalker

Mae Fierce

Cyber Stalker

I thought we were done, you and me
But you keep showing up on my screen
Hiding behind a fake name, I can see
You're still lurking, obsessing over me

Cyberstalker, you're a menace
A ghost in my digital space
Your words are like poison, your presence is relentless
I'm trapped in your web, I can't erase

You send me messages
Full of hate

You send me messages full of hate
Threatening me, sealing my fate
I block you again and again
But you always find a way to creep in

Cyberstalker, you're a menace
A ghost in my digital space
Your words are like poison, your presence is relentless
I'm trapped in your web, I can't erase

I'm not afraid of you, I won't let you win
I'll keep fighting, I'll never give in
I'll break free from your chains, I'll find my way
Out of this darkness, into a brighter day

Cyberstalker, you're a menace
A ghost in my digital space
Your words are like poison, your presence is relentless
I'm trapped in your web, I can't erase

I'll be stronger, I'll be wiser
I'll rise above, I'll be a survivor
You won't control me, I'll be free
From your cyberstalking misery

I'll be free from your cyberstalking misery
