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Confira a Letra Warrior

Mae Fierce


Trapped in a cage of my own making
A prisoner of love's cruel game
Your words like knives, your touch like fire
Leaving scars that never tire

But I'm breaking free
I'm shattering the chains
Escaping the darkness
Erasing the pain
No more tears, no more fear
I'm reclaiming my life, my heart, my soul, my own (my own, my own)

Haunted by memories, echoes of your hate
The weight of your lies, a crushing weight
My spirit dimmed, my body frail
A shadow of the person I once unveiled

But I'm breaking free
I'm shattering the chains
Escaping the darkness
Erasing the pain
No more tears, no more fear
I'm reclaiming my life, my heart, my soul, my own (my own, my own)

I'm finding my strength, my voice, my light
Emerging from the shadows, into the bright
Healing the wounds, mending the scars
Rebuilding my life, reaching for the stars

But I'm breaking free
I'm shattering the chains
Escaping the darkness
Erasing the pain
No more tears, no more fear
I'm reclaiming my life, my heart (my heart), my soul, my own

Haunted by memories, echoes of your hate
The weight of your lies, a crushing weight
My spirit dimmed, my body frail
A shadow of the person I once unveiled

I'm a survivor, a warrior, a fighter
I'll never give up, I'll always be brighter
I'm free, I'm alive, I'm reborn
And I'll never be the same, I'll never be torn

But I'm breaking free
I'm shattering the chains
My own
