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Confira a Letra Echoes of Olympus - Hymn to the Pantheon

Mirage Symphony

Echoes of Olympus - Hymn to the Pantheon

Hera's gaze, queenly divine
Guarding marriage with her eyes
Athena with her wisdom's glow
Strategies of war she sows
Apollo's lyre, the muse soars high
Harmonies that touch the sky

Behold the Pantheon
Can you feel?
Zeus with his lightning, ruler supreme
Master of the skies, in his reign we dream

Hear the chant of ages, the gods, immortals
Clash in the deep blue fight
Hestia's hearth, the flame burns true
Home and heart, her warmth we pursue

Ares' march, the battle cry, the war-torn sky
Hermes' winged feet ensure messages
Divine heaven's courier
Dionysus and his revelry
In vino veritas, in ecstasy
