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Confira a Letra Through the Wild Winds - Hymn to Pan

Mirage Symphony

Through the Wild Winds - Hymn to Pan

Lead me onwards, through the wild winds
Lead me onwards, to Your lands
Lead me onwards, through the fields vast
Where the echo of Your pipes can last
How my spirit lifts and soars anew
With every note You play, it rings so true

Take me downward, to the sacred stream
Take me downward, let my soul redeem
Take me downward, where the reeds whisper
In the presence of Pan, all hearts shimmer
In the temple of nature, we commune
With the God of the wild, we're attuned

Through the forest, Pan's song weaves
Through the valley, it wanders and cleaves
Through the woodland, enchantment born
Beneath the skies of a world reborn
Oh Pan, play on, your flute divine
In this sacred grove, your melodies entwine

Now the chorus of the fauns begins
Now the dance of the nymphs it spins
Around the fires, beneath the Moon's beams
In the realm of Pan, embraced by streams
How the flutes and strings together blend
In a reverie that never ends
