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Confira a Letra Mars - The Game is Over


Mars - The Game is Over

The game is over
A war grimly arises
To blood the Moon turns
The dark obscures the Sun’s fading light
Soldiers fight and die for delusions of grandeur
Ruthless maniacs lead them, disguised as saviours
None can be the winner, we all will lose instead
It’s too late to turn back, to change and to regret

The game is over, over

Our past sins have caught up
Dreams end up in debris and smoke
God Mars reigns
No way to escape his forces
We failed to calm him
To soothe us and finally bring mankind global peace

Will we ever overcome our hatred?
Will we ever learn to live in peace?
Will the morning Sun shine on our children?
Or will our light of life just cease?

The game is over
The war grimly arises
The greed has been sowing
The hate is reaping mercilessly

Millions pay the price for our endless, shoreless greed
With distrust we implant the war’s maledict seed
There is but one earth, how dare we waste this unique gift?
Stones are silent carvings of the life once lived

The game is over, over

Forgotten our culture
And wasted our talents and gifts
God Mars reigns
No way to escape his forces
We failed to calm him
To soothe us and finally bring mankind global peace

Will our children play amidst the flowers?
Will they evolve without shedding blood?
Buds can’t blossom when their heads are cut!

The game is over
Just hate and ire remain
Our blood turns the rivers red
Our tears will tell our story of pain
Let’s hope whoever succeeds
Us will be wiser and see
How great life could be
Without the reign of Mars
Without senseless deaths
And without war, hate and greed
Without senseless deaths and
Without Mars, without war!
Without these deaths
And without Mars and without war!

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