notícias musicais

top 13 artistas

top 13 musicas


Pathetic Cleansing the Land of the Infidel
  1. Death of an Empire, Pt. 1
  2. Death of an Empire, Pt. 2
  3. Cleansing the Land of the Infidel
  4. Famine on Mount Lebanon
  5. Raping Assyria
  6. The Fall of Smyrna
  7. A Nation is Born
  8. Natural Born Losers
  9. Hamatsa
  10. The Fatal Charade
  11. Going Postal
  12. Rat King
  13. Shetani
  14. Frozen to Death
  15. Slob
  16. Defecating Upon The Grave of the Grand Wizard
  17. Empty Threat