True Name for the Devil
Bestiality like a volcanic eruption
Lost in the colour of blood and pain
Under the guise of mercy, love for his neighbour
The highest blasphemy, the worst crime
Priest as an instrument in the Devil's hands
Disgusting being
Abstemiousness unleashed
Deranged and abnormal obsession
In perverse imagination
No self-control, tortured by celibacy
Nailed by insanity
His words have stunk long
He's burst into flames!
He leapt and did it
Abused, raped, stained
Concealed deviation, hidden pedophilia
With a cross on his chest
With God on his tongue
Decay soaked through his vestment
Who will forgive him?
The Devil wears a black cassock
Celebrates the Mass, hears confession, preaches
Protected by the Church
Desecrated faith
God's been dethroned
The temple's remained calm, on the decline
Just weeping and silent tears
Traumatic pain