notícias musicais

top 13 artistas

top 13 musicas


The Anniversary Your Majesty
  1. Sweet Marie
  2. Crooked Crown
  3. Peace, Pain & Regret
  4. Husam Husam
  5. The Siren Sings
  6. Never Die Young
  7. Tu-Whitt Tu-Whoo
  8. The Ghost Of The River
  9. Devil On My Side
  10. The Death Of The King
  11. Follow The Sun
Designing a Nervous Breakdown
  1. The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
  2. All Things Ordinary
  3. Perfectly
  4. The D In Detroit
  5. Emma Discovery
  6. Shu Shubat
  7. Till We Earned a Holiday
  8. Without Panasos
  9. Hart Crane
  10. Outro In No Minor