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Confira a Letra Angular

Vinny Last Z


Sipping coffee, Sunday brunch, sunlight paints your face
Smiling stories, harmless flirting, setting a playful pace
Suddenly you shift your posture, head tilted with a grin
And there's a glint in your eyes, a question tucked within

Is it a joke I'm missing? A secret only you know?
'Cause the way you're looking at me, well, it feels a little low

Angular, angular, that's the way you see
Head tilted down, a curious decree
Is there something on my shoe, a stain I can't quite see?
Angular, angular, why you gotta tease?

Trying not to blush too brightly, brush it off with a laugh
Maybe you saw a crumb there, caught a glimpse of my scarf
But the way you hold the silence, a knowing smirk in place
Makes me wonder if I'm missing something, a hidden kind of grace

Is it a riddle wrapped in a wink, a playful kind of test?
'Cause the way you're looking at me, well, it puts my outfit to the test

Angular, angular, that's the way you see
Head tilted down, a curious decree
Is there something on my shoe, a stain I can't quite see?
Angular, angular, why you gotta tease?

Maybe I'm overthinking, maybe it's all in my head
But the way you keep on glancing, makes a girl feel a little misled
Angular, angular, that's the way you see
Head tilted down, a curious decree
Is there something on my shoe, a stain I can't quite see?
Angular, angular, why you gotta tease?

Maybe someday you'll confess, the reason for the stare
But for now I'll play along, with a smile I can't quite share
Angular, angular, a mystery unsolved
Just a funny little quirk, a secret yet to be evolved

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