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Confira a Letra Listening

This one cut deep, I'm losing some sleep
You said this was a forever thing
I'm sitting here all alone, alone

You shot me like ten thousand times
Standing there my guard was down
I hate you, no I do love you

Sometimes I don't even know myself
I don't feel heard, that's why I wrote this song
Hoping that'll get to you someday

Are you listening? Are you really listening?
All that you put me through, can't let you forget me

Are you listening? Are you truly listening?
I might be wrong, but I know you belong to me

Like a song that runs through your head
On repeat, you don't want it to end
Just let me know you're too
And I could be all ears for you

Stay for a while this can't be our end
This chapters done but on to the next
Just meet me like halfway
You won't wait oh never again

Just hear me out this once
I wrote this song thinking of you
All I ask is a little of your time
I'm patiently waiting
Crying, hoping and praying you'll listen

Are you listening? Are you really listening?
All that you put me through, can't let you forget me

Are you listening? Are you truly listening?
I might be wrong, but I know you belong to me
