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Confira a Letra Rock' N Roll Forever

Alex Metzzher

Rock' N Roll Forever

Rock 'n' roll forever
Do you remember legendary rock bands?
And the song I want to hold your hand?
Do you remember twist and shout?
And the shows at night!
Rock 'n' roll forever wow wow!
Rock 'n' roll forever wow wow!
Do you remember the 60s?
Lennon and McCartney overcame Bill Halley
Do you remember the 70s?
Simmons and Stanley
And the song rock 'n' roll all Nite
Rock'n roll forever wow wow!
Rock 'n roll forever wow wow!
Do you remember?
The king of rock?
And the drinks on the rocks?
Hey! Do you remember tutti-fruit song?
And the king of rock?
Rock 'n roll forever wow wow
Rock 'n roll forever wow wow
Rock ' n roll forever wow wow

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