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Confira a Letra Entry Denied

Angel Of Sodom

Entry Denied

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ
That each one may receive what is due to him
For the things done while in the body
Whether good or evil

Through the gates
The colonnades
In the dark
The final stage

Once to die
Command divine
The afterlife

Entry denied – let it burn!
Your soul won't die, no! No!

Entry denied – let it burn!
Fire – never gonna stop
Never gonna end
Let it burn!

On the cross
A sacrifice
One for all
Who paid the price

Curse and spit
And mock at God
Your blasphemy
Won't be forgot

Entry denied – let it burn!
Your soul won't die, no! No!

Entry denied – let it burn!
Fire – never gonna stop
Never gonna end
Let it burn!

Burn! Burn! Burn! Let it burn!

It's all come down to this – denied!
You died in your sins – you're denied!
Thrown to the wolves of hell – denied!
Eternal, your suffering – denied!
