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Confira a Letra Seven



Centuries of ignorance guided by stupid philosophies
An endless search for wisdom great battles aimed at peace

Religions corrupt fitted with anathemas
Dominating and enslaving the mass
(Religions) dressed in love and mercy

A criminal society with his rhetoric
That manipulates (the mass)
Care about people, yes
In exchange for slavery global

You don't know the seven
Throughout this time they tried to hide
Submitted the false to you
For you couldn't see, like them!

What you see and live is just the beginning
Is there is life after death
So there is also death after death
Use your eyes that you have
And see the truth around them

Humanity walks the path ov stupidity
Is led by philosophies and methodologies
Holding your mind on things bellow
Giving a hand to the blind

Let submit their lies and I present the seven
Submit your eye and I present the seven!
