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Confira a Letra The Long Road

Brianne Danter

The Long Road

You saved us from the darkest night
Traveled down the longest road
To finish what we couldn't fight
We couldn't fight on our own

You cursed away the grip of death
Stripped us of an endless load
And now we're living in Your light
Lighting up the world You won

'Cause You're Undefeated
And nothing can change it
You're undefeated
No po'ers of hell can stand
Against Jesus the great I AM
You're undefeated
You're undefeated

You came in like a rushing flood
Tearing through the veil You rose
And by Your blood we overcome
Now nothing can hold us down

Nothing can change You
Death can't break You
Or defy who You are
Fear tried to hide You
But love made a way through
We declare who You are

He is undefeated
That's Jesus
The grave couldn't keep Him
That's Jesus

He is undefeated
That's Jesus
The grave couldn't keep Him That's Jesus
