notícias musicais

top 13 artistas

top 13 musicas


Darren Hanlon Life Tax
  1. Christmas Beetle
  2. Lapsed Catholic
  3. The Spin
  4. Uncle Viv And Auntie Phyllis
  5. Lets Grow Old Together
  6. Call On Me
  7. Write More Songs
  8. All Creatures Know
  9. Freight Train From Kyogle
  10. Away
Where Did You Come From?
  1. Salvation Army
  2. When You Go
  3. Trust Your Feelings (When You Wake)
  4. There's Nothing On My Mind
  5. Letter From An Australian Mining Town
  6. Fear Of The Civil War
  7. My Love Is An Ocean Away
  8. Manhole Cover Tap
  9. The Chattanooga Shoot Shoot
  10. The Will Of The River
  11. Awkward Dancer
  12. Halley's Comet, 1986
  13. Shine A Light
I Will Love You At All
  1. Butterfly Bones
  2. Modern History
  3. Scenes From A Separation
  4. All These Things
  5. House
  6. If Only My Heart Were Made Of Stone
  7. Folk Insomnia
  8. Home
  9. Buy Me Presents
  10. What Can We Say?
Fingertips And Mountaintops
  1. Hold On
  2. The People Who Wave At Trains
  3. Happiness Is A Chemical
  4. Elbows
  5. Manilla NSW
  6. Romance Is Deafening
  7. The Ostracism Of Vinny Lalor
  8. Fire Engine
  9. Fingertips And Mountaintops
  10. Couch Surfing
  11. Don't Bogart My Heart
  12. Old Dream
  13. That's How I Know
  14. Cast Of Thousands
  15. A To Z
  16. Punk's Not Dead
  17. Falling Aeroplanes
  18. Cheat The Future
  19. I Wish That I Was Beautiful For You
  20. Winter Takes Fall
  21. The Last Night Of Not Knowing You
Little Chills
  1. Wrong Turn
  2. A To Z
  3. Ends Of The City
  4. I Wish That I Was Beautiful For You
  5. The Unmade Bed
  6. Winter Takes Fall
  7. (There's Not Enough Songs About) Squash
  8. Service Station
  9. Brooklyn Bridge
  10. Record Store
Hello Stranger
  1. Hiccups
  2. The Kickstand Song
  3. That's How I Know
  4. He Misses You Too, You Know
  5. Operator... Get Me Sweden
  6. Security Leak
  7. Cast Of Thousands
  8. Punk's Not Dead
  9. Cheat The Future
  10. The Last Night Of Not Knowing You
Early Days
  1. Title Fight: Heart v Mind
  2. Beta Losers
  3. Don't Want To Pay
  4. She Cuts Hair
  5. Magazine Theory
  6. Video Store
  7. Falling Aeroplanes