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Confira a Letra Abigail

Happy Days


"I don't love you anymore
Since when?
Now. Just now. I don‘t want to lie. Can't tell the truth, so it's over.
It doesn't matter. I love you. None of it matters
Too late. I don't love you anymore. Goodbye
Here's the truth, so now you can hate me. Larry fucked me all night. I enjoyed it. I came. I prefer you. Now, go
I knew that. He told me
You knew?
I needed to hear it from you
Because he might have been lying. I had to hear it from you
I would never have told you, because I know you would have never forgived me
I would. I have
Why did he tell you?
Because he's a bastard
How could he?
Because he wanted this to happen
But why test me?
Because I'm an idiot
Yes. I would have loved you... forever. Now, please, go
Don't do this, Alice. Talk to me
I am talking. Fuck off
No I'm sorry! You misunderstand! I didn't mean to
Yes you did.
I love you!
Show me. Where is this love? I... I can't see it, I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can't do anything with your easy words
Whatever you say is too late
Please, don't do this!
It's done
Now, please go, or I'll call security
No, you're not in a strip club, there is no security
Why did you fuck him?
I wanted to
I desired him
You weren't there!
Why him?!
He asked me nicely
You're a liar
Who are you?
I'm no one!"


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