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Confira a Letra XIT

The best of human kind has passed away
They've gone before us to the kingdom of the dead
Why are we searching for another way to stop?
The lowest branch, was always ten feet up

Although it's here for you and me
We act like strangers from a distant galaxy

Come rain, come shine, come back, come fly this cannon ball
The way we fly
Why are you asking me at all?

When I turned and saw what we had done
A darkened haze concealed the brightness of the Sun

And there before us, in the dark, a great big wall
But lower down, we heard our freedom call

Everything is here for you and me
We are like good friends from two different galaxies

Come rain, come shine, come back come fly this cannon ball
The way we fly be there when I fall

I know you'll be there
This is my exit sign
My plan of escape
Only for you
I'm on my way

Exit sign, exit plan xit

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