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Confira a Letra Rock

I wanna be a rock
I don’t wanna see anything
If I'm a rock
I'm not gonna feel bad

If I'm a rock
I'm not gonna feel sad
Don’t wanna be

I wanna be steady
Don’t wanna be
Just wanna be a rock

Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock

A rock is not sick
A rock is not straight
A rock is a rock
A rock doesn’t smoke
Or stop
A rock doesn’t sit
Nor expect

No relationships
Nor relation shits
A rock doesn’t shave or wave
A rock doesn’t drink or believe in things
That doesn’t exist

I wanna be a rock
No flags, no so called culture
No graves, no dignity, no rapes
No lies

Just wanna be a rock
Just wanna be a rock
Just wanna be a rock

A rock is not online
A rock is not offline
A rock is a rock

A rock is not shy
A rock doesn't cry
Or try
A rock is a rock

Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock

A rock doesn't make money
A rock is not begging
A rock is not sleeping
Buying flight tickets
Dreaming about rockets
Or eating meat
No organic shits
No orgies, no sex
No love, no ex

A rock is just a rock
A rock is just a rock
A rock is just a rock
A rock is just a rock
A rock is just a rock

I wanna be a rock
I wanna be rough

A rock is not right or wrong
No water, no beer, no wine
No rich or poor
No runny nose
No dreams
No goose skin

Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock

I wanna be a rock
I wanna be a rock
I just wanna be a rock

Just wanna be a rock
