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Confira a Letra I Don't Eat Birthday Cake

Nicolas Chamillet

I Don't Eat Birthday Cake

Waking up from yet another lie
Cold sweating and shaking all over my body
My birthdays were faked
I was forged, lost
Imaginary birthday candles
Wishes for a life that never happened

Guilty cries, now I'm the ashes of this old house
The pain is still fresh
A little piece of me still lives
A party full of ghosts
And I don't eat birthday cake
I'm a soul that's not welcome here
I'm stuck with this day for the rest of eternity

Punches, wounds and cries
Screams, drinks and full Moon nights
One now that I'm still alive
And a past that I lived very well
Birthday surprises and gifts
Paper boats and party hats
Burning and turning to ashes
A fireplace full of memories of a happy child
A day that was supposed to be happy
It ended in blood and tears

A guest list
A passing fire
Sweets I've never smelled
A cardiac arrest
A plea, a cry for help
A silent house
Pain that will never be forgotten

Blood mixed with strawberry syrup
People pass by that floor
A sinful floor
A crooked look
A destroyed cake
Police everywhere
I never got to see my beautiful birthday cake

Party balloons, jelly and happy smiles
Wine, goodbyes and a lost life
I will never forget that day
'Cause I'm stuck in it forever
New clothes, lies and who will he marry?
I think with Lilly
Everything that made me smile
Today it causes me pain and tears
Memories in gift bags
A day that was supposed to be happy
Ended up in a tomb full of flowers

A lost pulse
A cry for help
Crying from people who loved me
I don't think I ever forgot the faces, how it broke me
My pieces together with the porpurinas
It was together with the winds and the rain
I think my birthday cake is still there

I don't think I'll ever find all the pieces of me that were lost that day
A truth that will never be forgotten
It wasn't an accident, it wasn't a cardiac arrest
I wanted to eat what they made for me
But I didn't eat my birthday cake

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