I went to the abyss today
I felt the wind blow my hair
I felt fear course through my veins
I wanted to jump, but I didn't know
I was contemplating my madness
I waited for a sign, I thought he was going to help me
I waited for a sign but it never came
I went to Amber's house
She was stuffing herself with medicine
Jake should be happy
He fucked her head
I wanted to help her, but I couldn't
I waited for a sign but it never came
I'm a cheat in this game of love
I lied to stay in this palace of lies
I wanted to go home and forget that I ever loved you
Why doesn't Amber have more love in her life?
Was it you who made her like this? She is so cold
She burned the letters you sent
Why the signal never came and she waited like a naive
I went to her cage today
You had deep eyes
Has the lotus already changed?
Were you innocent or were you the killer?
I can help you or I can give you the fucking sentence
Hold you for the rest of your life
I waited for a sign but it never came
I went to Sam's house
He was at rock bottom
The smell of cheap beer and cheap cigarettes entered my mind
He wasn't there anymore
His body remained, but his soul was sucked out
I wanted to cure him, but I didn't know how
I waited for a sign but it never came
I'm a fugitive from this heaven of monsters
I lied to protect myself, they hit where it hurt most
I wanted to go back into your arms and cry for all my lies
Why doesn't Sam exist anymore?
Was it you who hurt him deeply?
He broke our graduation picture
He waited for the signal like a naive
I feel guilty
I was the one who put you in the cage
I was the one who made Amber overdose
I was the one who made Sam fall into depression
If there's someone to blame in this fucking story
It's me, it's me, it's me
And now I wait for my sentence