Why did you stop loving her at that fateful moment?
The little big man never kissed her
Faked fainting in the middle of the track
In the hopistal white as paper
They lived together, but apart
Her dreams turned to flames
She was waiting for you to break everything
Because this isn't love, love doesn't hurt
And you broke her in every way possible
They lived hurt, but happy
It was an intense, deep love
But it was sacred and profane
They broke dreams
It was there that they separated
He was a beautiful breath, but she was an impeccable wind
They lived crying over futile things
There were fights that turned into battles
There were kisses under the moonlight
Barbers were exchanged at the dinner table
They got lost and forgot about the lotus
They fought until the end
They lived happily ever after
It was the end of the world
It was a fence jump
That's where they died
It was there that the lotus withered
They lived together, but apart