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Confira a Letra Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake


Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake

I will not eat what I detest
What I detest is feces
I will not partake of it
I will not consume it
It shall not enter me
It shall not come near my hands
Nor my mouth
Nor shall it fall from my belly
I will not suffer neglect nor become subdued

I will not eat what I detest
What I detest is feces
It shall not come into my body
I will not tread upon it with my sandals
Nor will I submit to hanging face down

Thus speaketh the dog-faced ape
And what then shall you eat?
Will you live on another's flesh?
Who will guard you from torment?

Who shall save you from the servants of Babui
Who thirst for blood and live on the entrails of the damned?
The apes who dwelleth beside the lake of fire
Devouring the souls of the damned

Whose erect phallus is unyielding, ever relentless
And howls with hideous mockery
To pierce the wicked

Gods of the earth
Gods of the sky
Gods of the underworld

Monkeys claw your face, monkeys rend your limbs
Monkeys rape your flesh
Monkeys bite your throat, monkeys tear your skin
Monkeys fuck your skull

I will not be hung upside down
Nor made to eat feces by the four apes

The greatest of the gods in the sky
And the gods of the earth
Men will thresh for me as for the Apis Bull who presides over Sais
Men will reap for me as for Seth, lord of the northern sky

I will not be hung upside down
Nor made to eat feces by the four apes

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