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Confira a Letra Radio Interview


Radio Interview

Button's pressed, we're on the air
Microphone in hand
Now you'll talk
And I'll keep straight
While you go on and on
Spewing your dusty voice
No one cares about
The uneeded responses
So you'll think I'm still devout
Take your time
Speak really slow, so we can record you
Pick up the phone
You're not alone
I'll say right to your face
When in all reality
You simply do not care
That I'm a human being
With opinions just like you
Constant juding
Falling over
Rage is building
I can't take more!
Talking, talking
Thinking I'm the one who really cares

Time to face reality
You see we disagree
I don't want to make any noise
That affects your ears
Soon I'm gonna lose it
Now I'm frozen with fear

Time's almost up
Time to get out
Say good riddance to you
Oh, now you're back
I should've have guessed
And spewing more bad lies
Say now would hurt it all
To listen to me once?
They are my listeners after all
They want to hear me sing
Silence falls
I can't deal with it
By your prescence
Say could you please now
Get out of my way?
The answer's no
How is that so?
You know this is my show
Constant juding
Falling over
Rage is building
I can't take more!
Talking, talking
Filling up your ears with static noise

Will you just give me a break
To get myself in place?
I don't want to make any noise
That affects your ears
Soon I'm gonna lose it
Now I'm frozen with fear

Please save me
Talking, talking
Thinking I'm the one who really cares

Time to face reality
You see we disagree
I don't want to make any noise
That affects your ears
Soon I'm gonna lose it
Now I'm frozen with fear
