Generations intersect
Force fed their own demise
Divide the worth, among the starved
Gorge upon the scythe
Demons flow through aged abode
Decrepit conscious home
Foundations set in concrete wet
Ground from babies' bones
Drain the contents of the skulls
With structure and possession
The working hearts and rugged backs
Lined up without question
A righteous task, to give what's asked
An ignorance so splendid
Dig two graves, with the will you've saved
Live a life that's ended
Lured by the promise of nothing
Impaled on the spike of time
Tried to defy, know reasons why
The luck's always the same
Set out to show, make others know
There's pleasure in the pain
Depths of mind, no truth is kind
The laughter in your face
Drains the will, you're nothing still
A bitter old disgrace
Dreading eyes in a dirtied mirror
Begging to relent
The wealth of wisdom cherished so
Now is nearly spent
What use is this, the gift of sight
With nothing left to see?
Squandered all that brought us here
The book's too long to read