Heritage dooms another lot
More history repeats
The plight of man
Destroyed by men
Old instinct buried deep
Snuff the world at moment's thought
The worth of life, opaque
Bayonet the conscious eye
Load all the treasure
You can take
Certain death awaits the ones
Too slow to comprehend
That taking life, is right of birth
Whatever means do end
When left to his devices
Man's no different from a beast
Whores for war, the killing tour
Where blood must matter least
Can glory claim
Such death in vain
And like territories conquer?
Those who seek to give the meek
Existence without honor
Burn the nerves of men who serve
Distortion of the true
Violence spurred by useless worms
Feed many to the few
A segment of the phalanx
A bowman's aiming eye
Cannon fodder dreamers
Contently born to die
The musket ball retrievals
And trench floor serenades
Kill the very part of us
We think we fight to save
Will glory claim all life in vain
Defined by bitter nations?
Those who strive to see men die
In civilized cessation
Hasten deaths to minuettes
The Valkyrie's refrain
Placing bets with life and death
We, choosers of the slain