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Confira a Letra The Orwellian Dream

Sentiment Dissolved

The Orwellian Dream

Heartbeat regulated, blood flow calculated
Implanted mechanisms show no signs of harm
A chip inserted in the brain will be consuming thought
To separate the frontal lobe and our autonomy
For we are all connected, your thoughts are mine
Everything is shared

Digitized menagerie of autocratic computations overwhelming
Manipulation of the amygdala breeding our malevolence
A chip inserted in the brain will be consuming thought
To separate the frontal lobe and our autonomy
For we are all connected and all your thoughts are mine
Everything is shared

Fractal algorithm of the hive mind
The computation that defines us all
Let binary permeate the brainstem
Feel as the data takes the place of your soul

Delusion of differences blocked out of sight
Augment fragmented time
Piercing subatomic ringing in the spine

What you think you know is a fabrication
What you think you see is a diodic light
Everything we are is a simulation
What you think you feel is all generated stimuli
What you think you know is a fabrication
What you think you see is a diodic light
Everything we are is a simulation
Everything we see is predetermined by the algorithm

Welcome to the dream, everything you know is predetermined by a pattern now
Mechanize the will making waking motion like a rat in a maze of probability
Never got the chance to object in time prior to the chip insertion
Memories and time feel like plastic grime moving through the chambers of your head and spine
Data replaces thought
Enhancing sight
Cerebrospinal fluid gone in cybernetic automation
Can't be deemed alive within the frames of reality
Every conscious motion will be captured by an artificial light
Until you know
Nothing but accepting a displaced half existence and we
Can't be deemed alive within the frames of reality
When consciousness is captured by a cold blue light
Is captured by a cold blue light

Watch what consumes your time
Parasitic thought leeches lurk in satellites
Program serving as a vessel to encompass individuation
You are a product of electrons that's designed
To incorporate your mind
And when you die, you notice not your absolution
Just a glitching and a skipping and a glitching and a skipping and a glitching and a flash and the light fades

Fractal algorithm of the hive mind
The computation that defines us all
Let the binary permeate the brainstem
Feel it as the data takes the place of your soul
As the data takes the place of your soul

No probability of proper being
Is this the Orwellian dream?
No probability of proper-
Turning into pawns of passivity
Is this the Orwellian dream?
No probability of proper-
Turning into pawns of passivity
Is this the Orwellian dream?
No probability of proper being
Is this the Orwellian dream?
No probability of proper-
Turning into pawns of passivity
Is this the Orwellian dream?

Fractal algorithm of the hive mind
The calculation that defines us all
Let the binary permeate the brainstem
Feel it when the data takes the place of your soul
As the data takes the place of your soul
