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Confira a Letra Totalitarian Doctrine

Sentiment Dissolved

Totalitarian Doctrine

A scornful preacher spoke divinity with condescension
Upon his silent congregation, bemused in reverence
Contempt and hate spew from the pulpit towards dissenters
Everlasting fire roars beneath them to be their sentence

Pernicious dogma derived from archaic fiction
Fallacy and superstition corrupts their faculties
Unquestioned acceptance deemed exemplary
Gullibility masquerades as faith and decreed a virtue
As a mere primate you claim knowledge of divine intentions
Yet you preach humility from a throne of stone and gold

Control maintained through guilt and self-deception
Morality through tyranny
Created sick, commanded to be well
Guilty by our nature
Christianity - the totalitarian doctrine

Behold the scornful preacher
Crucified and tortured
Relinquished culpability
Sins atoned through crucifixion
For he loved us so much
He'd ask us if he'd kill

Behold the scornful preacher
Crucified and tortured
Relinquished culpability
Sins atoned through crucifixion
For he loved us so much
He'd ask us if he'd kill one of his own

Emancipate from mental serfdom
Emancipate yourself from fear
Liberation of the mind persists with its free thinking
Define your purpose
And begin to live for yourself
Free from empyrean tyranny
No more I stand in abjection

Offerings and rituals substitute for merit
Indulgences stave off perdition
Humanity's downfall in prostration to the divine

No gods before me
I stand a liberated man
Spit on the scornful preacher
And reject his offer of salvation
Free from empyrean tyranny
No more I stand in abjection
Free from empyrean tyranny
I stand a liberated man
