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Confira a Letra Transcending the Hierarchy of Knowledge

Sentiment Dissolved

Transcending the Hierarchy of Knowledge

I became the one, the watcher and the witness
A soul coming into a reflection of its own existence
For millennia the noumena has been living in abject negation

This fragile psyche clouded by the doctrines of theocratic fools
Confidence obliterated, called upon in obedience to self fulfilling truth
Archangels breed upon our fears
Archangels breed upon our fears
Called upon in obedience to self fulfilling truth
Archangels breed upon our fears, infesting ears, I see the light

The illusion of connection to the unforsaken
Strip the veil and see the violent face of creation
The masters of manipulation lead us to the idols
To become beyond the limits of the flesh
Believe that the dead are not remembered with regrets
So if they made it through the boundary that lines the grand construction
They become a greater version of themselves
A leader in a realm inhabited by none

Eclipse of enlightenment leading to the fall

So every day is spent in servitude
Stay bound in the hierarchy of information
In becoming an ascendant of the knowledge we will be one with our fears
Merging flesh with skies we see the light

The illusion of divine
The illusion of the right
Convert the lies to an understanding of the inside
The conversation of a God showing symbols to the blind
Life in belief of idols indoctrinates a will so bright
Despotic walls tower beyond the reaches of our brawn
And serve to blind the eyes that never will escape to see the dawn

Totalitarian edicts enforced
Conform to conjecture
Humanity locked in abjection
Relieve and conform
Conform to conjecture
Humanity locked
Locked in rejection
Nothing except what we've heard

Nothing except what we've heard and we've seen
Mantras plastered on billboards will conquer
Calling of the prophet to eliminate rebellion
Draconian edicts
A cycle we relive
Humanity is ruled by the unseen
The vaunted doctrine
Hierarchy of all knowledge can be transcended
Conquering the phantom that will linger in our dreams
A ritual evasion of our fallacy and doom
(Nothing except what we've heard and we've seen)
Intent is that we are lethargic
Calling of the prophet to eliminate rebellion
