Engulfed in madness
Involved in penocide
Circumvent the constitution
Exoskeletal terror machines
Extreme terror control
Eugenics experimentation
Advanced decomposition
Chromosomic montage
Generation terror-nation
Extreme terror control
We live our death
Plastic ages
Morbid faces
Extreme terror control
We are the end
We live in a sad age
Necrotism fasciit
Crossbreed hybrids
Manmade mutants
Implant tracking device
Disconnected emo-center
God is a machine!!
Generation terror-nation
Extreme terror control
We live our death
Plastic ages
Morbid faces
Extreme terror control
We are the end
Generation terror-nation
Extreme terror control
We live our death
Plastic ages
Morbid faces
Extreme terror control
We are the end
Not them!